How to Escape Poverty And Unleash the Rich Man in You

6 min readAug 16, 2022


Becoming a rich man

Want to escape poverty and become rich? Then these seven habits of successful people are sure to help you.

One of the major things that separate millionaires from regular people is their HABITS. Repeat after me, yes their habits. As something as simple as habits determines about 95% of a person’s behavior, many successful people are where they are now because of certain lifestyle habits they follow.

Even though a lot of people have wondered and pondered on how they got to be where they are, we tend to neglect the fact that it’s just simple things like their work ethics and habits that helped them get there. So with that being said, we are going to see some of those habits today and see if we can follow in the footsteps of these role models to become the next generation of millionaires.

Though it sounds easy, I just wanted to remind you all that the road to success is very rocky so you shouldn’t expect knowing these habits to automatically change that fact. Instead let’s all see this article as a guideline to help you survive the storms and get to your destination, SUCCESS, quite safely. So, let’s go into the seven habits needed to become successful in life and your career.


Nearly 50% of the self-made millionaires in the world get out of bed at least two hours before their workday even started. This free time is what they use to tackle personal projects and plan their day, or workout. Most of them claim that early waking moments are best for thinking as it helps to prevent overthinking and gives you a headstart for the day instead of waking up late and rushing through the day. I think it’s safe to say that not all of us are happy about waking up by 4 am but if you want to be successful, you’ve got to make that sacrifice. So are you ready to do this? LET’S DO IT!!!

“It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth and wisdom” — Aristotle.


Did you know that about 91% of wealthy people read in their free time? While we use our free time to read magazines, play games, or watch movies, they use their free time to read biographies, history, and self-help books. And they each devote at least 30 minutes each day to education. Boring, I know. But these people are so obsessed with self-improvement and seeking knowledge that reading is all they seem to enjoy. So if you are planning to get successful, you must know how to read extensively, especially on important topics. When we are talking about reading here, we aren’t saying gossip magazines and romance novels. NO! Instead, we are saying self-motivational books or educational books on the topic or industry you are in. You also need to have a flair for research.

“ Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary” — Jim Ron.


Studies show that working out regularly clears your head, reduces stress, and makes you feel more motivated.

About 76% of wealthy businessmen say that they use at least thirty minutes or more a day to do exercises like jogging, biking, or walking. This method has been proven to double their productivity, life span, and sickness that come with old age like back pain, dementia, etc. I mean I hope I am not the only one who noticed that most millionaires reach the age of seventy. Wealthy people value their health a lot because it’s “health before wealth”. So try hitting the gym at least 10 hours a week.

“ Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live”. — Jim Ron.


This is one thing all self-made millionaires have in common. Don’t be deceived though because pursuing your dreams is going to be harder than it sounds. If you have listened to the stories of famous millionaires, you will see that most of them went through trials, problems, and even judgment from others before they could make it. You are gonna have to be prepared to chase your dreams despite all odds to make it. Don’t let the nay-sayers bring your aspirations and dreams down. The higher your level of success, the more enemies and haters you are going to get so be prepared to lose a lot of things like comfort, friends, trust, and even your social standing but remember that in the end, it will all be worth it.

Are you prepared to sacrifice lots of things and go on this tough road to success? If yes, then congratulations because you have just taken the first step to becoming a millionaire.

“ I have learned that dreams can be challenging and are always worth the success they can bring.” — Darren Hardy.


I am sure everyone must have heard of this saying at least once,” time is money” and trust me, time is money indeed. Successful businessmen have hammered on the importance of skill as the habit of managing time is one that is needed in all walks of life. This skill helps you to achieve your goals faster, gets more work done in less time, and most importantly, PREVENTS PROCRASTINATION.” Procrastination is best known as the thief of time and it’s very common among regular people. Successful people have, time and again, encouraged us to get rid of the habit of procrastinating. And the sooner we get rid of it, the more time we have on our hands and the closer we get to achieving our goals. Don’t you think?

“Money, I can only gain or lose. But time I can only lose. So, I must spend it carefully.” — Anonymous.


This is another major thing millionaires want regular people to know. People in your life will either inspire you or drain you. Getting rid of all the toxic people and replacing them with the right ones will help you in the long run. Toxic people will only shoot down your ideas, deteriorate your mental health and stunt your financial growth. If you feel like everyone in your life is against your dreams, friends, and family likewise, then don’t be scared to venture out on your own. Work alone on your dreams and never reduce your standards to meet or get the approval of others and along the road to success, the right people will begin to enter your life. Working with the wrong people is just like an engineer working with a group of doctors. We all know that he is going to be stuck in that stage of his career and that doesn’t sound too good, right? Don’t try too hard to find the right people, instead, watch as the right people find you.

“Surround yourself with positive people who believe in your dreams, encourage your ideas, support your ambitions and bring out the best in you. — Roy Bennet.


This is the most important point I have stated so far and for good cause too. Rich men and women have stated more than once that the ability to stay positive in all circumstances has helped them to overcome lots of setbacks and failures in life. When something happens to you, instead of focusing on only the bad side of it, try to see the good side too. Start today to train your mind to see both sides of a situation, to always think and expect good things to happen, to never give up, and to stop making up excuses. Like Steve Harvey once said,” If you can see it in your mind, then you can hold it in your mind’. If you are a negative thinker, then watch only negative things happen to you and vice versa. So friends, let’s all take another step to get closer to our dream of becoming successful by changing our attitudes and way of thinking today. ARE YOU WITH ME?

“ Our attitude towards life determines life’s attitude towards us.” — John Mitchell.


Apart from the lots of hard work and sprinkles of luck needed in our career, developing the aforementioned habits and including them in your daily life will surely help you to reach your goals. These habits are supposed to serve as a guideline and a starting point for everyone who wants to be successful but doesn’t know where to start. Now, you shouldn’t expect to develop these habits all at once, rather be patient and committed to learning them and watch how easy it will become for you at that point. Cheers to us who will become this generation’s next set of millionaires.

I hope I was able to convey the message well to you. Be sure to follow, like, and tell me your thoughts on this article. THANKS.




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